Tuesday, March 9

Words to live by

I used to stalk this blog called NOTES FROM A COTTAGE INDUSTRY, then got a laptop and didn't switch over my favorites to my new computer....

Well, I was stuck down in Josh's room today and went down my old favorites in his computer and came back across this blog.  My sister reminded me of this blog just the other day, so I decided to browse quickly through it....

AND I came across this BLOG POST HERE:

What you do speaks so loud

that I cannot hear

what you say.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Followed by this:

How you treat your spouse.

How you take care of yourself.

How you speak to others.

What's important to you.

How you handle stress.

How you cope with hardship.

Who you spend time with.

What you spend your time on.

Your order of priorities.

How you speak of others.

What you value.

What you don't value.

Maybe it will make you think
about a few things in your life,
it did me. 

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